

Don’t miss 2017 ORCF INTERNATIONAL as we celebrate 10 years later this year in December in Free State. The Onkweni Royal Cultural Festival has played a pivotal role in nation building and social cohesion of South Africa. This festival is also a tribute to HRH Prince Shingana kaMpande for his role in fighting colonization and composition of hims, kings praises, and Kings Praises. His arrest in St Helena was an inspiration. His death remains unfortunate as he died fighting the system. We have a duty to end racism and classism as the ills that will destroy Africa. We need to find a way to recognize all cultures and all nation if we are to move forward.

Dr Joseph Shabalala

Dr Joseph Shabalala is a true legend I just been watching him lead in this song. We are truly blessed that Dr Shabalala is a South African most of all African. He is a true natural and he loves his work. Super talented,My respect to him always!

The ORCF Heritage

The future belongs to the young so let us prepare them while we can.
It is possible to do something for our children today.

Soon great nations will be judged not only through their wealth status or achievements but by the investment they made to their own children’s future. If we care about the future we should not only concern our self with half the things that has destroyed humanity but those which has restored hope. I am talking about our children lives.

SABC News Report from Qwa Qwa

We were honoured to be able to share the success of the 2016 Festival with the South African community when we were interviewed on live television, showcasing the festivities that were enjoyed by so many.

© 2017, Onkweni Royal Cultural Festival